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Devolli Corporation

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Prince Caffe participating in the "World of Private Label" fair in Amsterdam

In Amsterdam, one of the largest fairs in the world "World of Private Label" has opened, this fair is considered the main event where manufacturers of various food products present their production capabilities, thus offering potential buyers a constant supply, according to the requirements of the respective markets. and with the trademark of the buyer's market.

Taking into account the high level of production capacities both in terms of quantity and quality, this year, among the companies present is Devolli Corporation with products coming from the company Princ Caffe.

Devolli Corporation has exhibited products from two coffee factories, that of Turkish coffee and espresso, as well as the entire range of instant coffee products, products that, with their quality, have found great interest among visitors to this year's fair.

Fal mbështetjes së autoriteteve të Ministrive përgjegjëse, kompanitë tona pjesëmarrëse kanë gjetur një mundësi shumë të mire për të realizuar kontrata të reja të cilat do u mundësojnë këtyre kompanive zgjerimin e shtrirjes së tyre në tregjet ndërkombëtare.